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Media Literacy

Teaching media literacy

Project Look Sharp

Project Look Sharp is a not for profit organization funded by Ithaca College.  They provide lesson plans, materials, training and support to help teachers integrate media literacy into their classroom curricula.  If you would like to browse their lesson plans, follow this link.  Or scroll down to see some of my favorites.  

General Lessons

Fact Checkers: How Do They Decide? In this media literacy activity students analyze fact checking websites for messages about their goals and processes for determining credibility.  Age range- upper middle to high school

Female Superheroes: Changing Powers Over Time: In this media literacy activity students analyze female superheroes from comics of the 1960s and 2010s for messages about changes in media representations of gender and power across fifty years. Age range- upper middle to high school

Clickbait: Can You Spot It?- In this media literacy activity students analyze webpages to identify clickbait strategies. Age range- middle to high school


Corporate Greenwashing? Exxon and Greenpeace- This is a media literacy and critical thinking activity in which students decode an ExxonMobil commercial and an environmental advocacy video for conflicting messages about corporate advertising credibility and about human impact on the environment. Age range- middle to high school

Social Studies Lessons

How Does the World Look?  Questioning Maps: Students analyze different world map projections to identify point of view or bias in maps. Age range- upper elementary to middle school

Recycling: What's the Problem? Students analyze a commercial and clips from documentaries for messages about recycling, its attraction to consumers and industry and its limitations. Age range- middle to high school

The U.S. Exits Afghanistan: Lessons from the Newspaper Front Pages- Students analyze newspaper front pages from August 2021 for messages about media representation of the U.S. exit from Afghanistan. Age range- middle to high school